Carly's Wicked Blog

Keep Calm and Love Turtles

10 Reasons to Thank a Veteran


1. While you read this, there’s a veteran dying so you can sit here and read this as a free person.
2. But they’re making that ultimate sacrifice not because they are forced to, but because they believe in freedom and liberty.
3. Because they believe so strongly in the building blocks of our country, they are willing to spent years away from loved ones.
4. Because they have such a strong sense of patriotism, they are willing to endure not-so-comfortable living conditions.
5. Because they are so brave, they put their life on the line… for you.
6. They fight… for you
7. They die… for you
8. But they don’t ask for much in return. Nothing, in fact.
9. For one day, we honor our veterans. We sing songs, we play beautiful music, we hear speeches, and pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Just one day.
10. But everyday should be Veteran’s Day, because everyday a veteran fights for you.

by posted under 10 Reasons to... | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“10 Reasons to Thank a Veteran”

  1. November 17th, 2013 at 5:44 am      Reply lschoch Says:

    I agree that we should absolutely thank our veterans whenever we see them. Very thoughtful post! 🙂

  2. November 26th, 2013 at 2:25 pm      Reply lilys601 Says:

    Your post was very touching and I think it fit the day perfectly. Because the veterans are so strong, we are able to stay safe. The protect us from war so we can live a better life. I really enjoyed reading this post!

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