Carly's Wicked Blog

Keep Calm and Love Turtles

Favorite Poem


Here’s a poem I found about Netflix:

Beloved Netflix,
You are my Friday night
We never fight
(Except for about what to watch)
You are so sweet
Even got me a V-day treat
House of Cards season two
What would I do without you?
It’s not a Scandal or even a Battle (Star Galactica),
All of my secret marathons, you never tattle
It’s Always Sunny when you are near
So let’s stay home and screen Luther, my dear oh dear

By Cinya Burton

I chose this poem because it describes my feelings about Netflix almost perfectly. I didn’t write it (I wish I did) but I found it on the oh-so-reliable Internet and thought it was perfect.

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One Comment to

“Favorite Poem”

  1. April 27th, 2014 at 8:49 pm      Reply Mrs. Crean Says:

    Funny but hoping you have someone to watch Netflix with!

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