Carly's Wicked Blog

Keep Calm and Love Turtles



There are many different kinds of leaders.

There are those who inspire us to follow our dreams. There are those who guide us through difficult or dangerous situations. But there are also those who take charge and help us finish a task. There are those who tell us what to do. There are those who teach us new things. And there are those who help us get through each day, inspiring us with their strength and positivity.

Who are these leaders? They are our teachers, our parents, our principals, bosses, and government. They are our friends and our peers. They are the scientists, the movie stars, the artists, and the doctors that save us, inspire us, and educate us. But the population of leaders on Earth is not limited to these select few. I believe everyone is a leader because everybody inspires, saves, and educates someone. You are a leader too. Maybe you inspire your friends with your determination. Maybe you saved the dog you adopted. Maybe you educate your younger sibling by setting an example.

There are many different kinds of leaders.

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